Friday, February 7, 2014

Algae to the Rescue

Grind, Definition. Mile 9 of a 15 mile run, hour 3 of an 8 hour car ride. These are points in a journey when the strain of what is to come seem insurmountable. Of late my days have seemed similarly Sisyphan, a perpetual struggle through a pile of tasks only to realize that the next day simply holds the same daunting list as the one that preceded it. Coach, bake, tutor, write run. Rinse, Repeat.

For a time, I enjoy the battle. I relish in the exhausted satisfaction of collapsing into bed, spent by the labors of my day. The only way I make it through these long days is properly fueling myself with healthful food. Some days it can feel like a its own battle as I spend a half an hour preparing each meal for the next day. But as Benjamin Franklin said, “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.” 

Fingers, toes and hamstrings crossed, I haven't gotten sick (Alto Cinque to a blueberry packed breakfast), the team I coach has been improving steadily and significantly and for the most part my body has stayed unbelievably healthy. With a few food allergies to maneuver however, ensuring I consume sufficient protein can be challenging. 

Looking for non-meat protein sources is tricky thanks to the cacophony of fitness, nutrition, athletic, emotional, spiritual, pathological and otherwise-ical experts that are constantly informing the public about their latest dogma. “Eat more almonds, more red meat, lamb, bison, heck even…bacon covered kale”

Well looking at things realistically, vegetables good? Yes. Protein needed? Yes. So low and behold I found something edible that satisfies all of these demands. Enerybits. Yup, these power packed tablets are straight algae.  Algae has the highest concentration of protein, chlorophyll, beta carotene, antioxidants and vitamins with health benefits that include increased energy, reduced blood pressure and prevention of colds. Its grown and not manufactured in a lab so rest assured the FDA isn’t going to come asking you questions about doping. Only power that you are working with here is that of Mother Nature.

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