’ve become fully-convinced of accomplishment power. Our ability to recognize this superability makes us infinitely more productive, creative and effusively positive minded.I witness this on a daily basis through coaching, tutoring and running (i.e. my life neatly packaged in gerund form).
During a difficult workout indoors, it is crucial to my athletic well-being to think about the LAP at hand. The task at hand. Accomplish what is directly at stake and to hell with what’s coming next. For my Wellesley girls, I emphasize this same self induced blindness. If there is nothing coming, there’s no way you can worry about it. Applaud yourself every time you finish a lap “You killed that one,” then forget it happened. You have one task at hand, the lap of now.
When I start to stress about ohmygodamIgoingtograduateschool?! I have to immediately find something to occupy my thoughts to focus on right here, right now. Bring you back to the place as the yogis say.
Given that my current recipe well is on the dry side, if I need to refocus and accomplish something…anything…I toast nuts and oatmeal to make my own muesli. Alpen, a swiss version of the breakfast goodness, is available for the cost of your kidney at the local grocery store. I like my kidneys and my stomach can’t handle their use of wheat flakes so this is a nutritious and gluten free Version of the breakfast classic.
Fruit and Nut Muesli
2 Cups of Pecans
2 Cups of slivered almonds
1 Cup of Oats (gluten free)
!.5 cups of dried fruit (I used Raisins and blueberries)
1 tablespoon of Cinnamon
1 tablespoon of Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Cloves
1/4 tsp Cinnamon
*2 tbsp Chia Seeds
Toasted Nuts
I have often lamented the exponential toasted nut property with DJK. The the nuts are finefinefinefinefineOHMYGODBURNTTOCINDERS if you aren’t careful. At Flour, toasting nuts was uber important to many of our recipes so I learned to smell for success (and use the timer!)
Slivered almonds (LOW AND SLOW) at 300 4 minutes and then move them around on the pan reset timer for 3 minutes. They will be done when they turn Sand color and smell intensely like almond extract
Toasty P’s
300 for 4 minutes and move them around in the pan. Then they’ll have another 4 minutes. These guys should not have black char marks and if you break one open, they will have a snap to them and a slight golden lining to the meat of their interior.
Take the Oven up to 350. These guys will be in there for 10-12 minutes and need to be jostled in the pan every 4 minutes. They will take on a more golden color and the smell is undeniably oat-y.
Thats it!
Find a large lidded container and pour all your toasted friends into the container along with the spices, dried fruit and chia seeds. Shake, shake shake it up!
And now pat your back because you have just made yourself killer breakfast for the week served with milk, yogurt and or fruit. Traditionally, muesli is on the softer side. It is left to sit and thicken in the dairy (or non-dairy milk!) of your choosing. I love it both ways; crunchy or porridge like it makes for a killer companion to my morning coffee.